To provide better amenities to passengers, Railways unveiled a new AC 3-tier coach in New Delhi with state-of-the-art facilities including CCTV cameras, bio-toilets and improved safety features. The interiors of the coach, with better security and comfort features, have been designed aesthetically, said Railway Board Member (Mechanic) Hemant Kumar. While CCTV cameras have been installed at the entrance of the coach on both the sides to strengthen the security system, fire-retardant materials have been used to prevent fire as a safety measure. Manufactured at the Integrated Coach Factory (ICF) in Chennai, the AC coach is equipped with wider stainless steel ladder with hand-holds for easy climbing to upper berths. Besides, the coach has also been fitted with braille stickers for the convenience of visually-impaired passengers. Asked about the cost of the enhanced features, Mr Kumar said an additional Rs. 7.2 lakhs were spent to upgrade the coach with better amenities. For fast...