After the government launched its 'Make in India' programme last year, The electronics manufacturing sector has got investment proposals worth Rs 1.2 lakh crore Karbonn, Micromax, VideoconLava, Spice and Celkon, as well as Chinese firms Xiaomi,Vi and Lenovo and Canada-based DataWind have already started assembling handsets in India As part of its 'Make in India' initiative. Modi government keen to make easier business in the india. which attract foreign capital in manufacturing Ajay Kumar additional secretary told received investment in electronics amounting to Rs 120,000 crore till now, The figure is expected to jump in 2016. Center target zero import till 2020. Center reimbursement of countervailing duty (CVD) and modified special incentive package scheme (M-SIPS) up to 25% for setting up manufacturing facilities in the country. These policy initiatives have seen local and foreign companies investing in local production capabilities. T...